Due to the down sizing of the Postal Service i got relocated to Ct (Connecticut)....... yes i know fuccin crazy, its a 2hr20min drive...... i know insane.......... well i can't sit home and do nothing so, i accepted. I took a test drive out there today, my mom accompanied me...... she had jokes the whole way......... imagine a trini accent saying "gurl u brave, i don't know how u going to do dis 5 days a week".........lol........ hey can't nock it till u try it.......... its a very small post office, the people there were cool, so I'm excited (some what) to see how this chapter of my life is going to turn out.............. Everything happens for a reason. I'm so tired from the drive, i came straight home to chill, i didn't even pass by the boutique to make sure Platinum is alright i know he holding it down...................... Tomorrow is my first official day in Ct, I'll let you guys know how it turned out....... peace and love Krysie